MASSIVE Meteorite discovered in Russia

Photo Courtesy of, Reuters / Anton Melnikov

Don't break it, don't open it, just Kill it before it lays Eggs! It's a Trap, there are Aliens, Alien Viruses and Transformers Decepticons inside, don't do it!

According to RT:

The largest-discovered fragment of a Russian meteorite, weighing around 570 kilograms, has been lifted from the bed of Lake Chebarkul in the Urals. The huge meteorite chunk split into three pieces when scientists tried to weigh it. The precise weight could not be established because the heavy object broke the scales. 

Comically as you can read above, RT calls this Meteorite that crashed in the Russian Urals a few months ago "a Russian Meteorite".
I did not know, that Meteorites have Nationalities. Well RT, you are funny as usual, just keep it coming.

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